今天博客从 WordPress 3.8 RC2 升级到 WordPress 3.8 正式版。 为了纪念波普创新和爵士萨克斯手查理帕克命名为“帕克”,WordPress的3.8包括一个重新设计的管理界面,管理员配色方案,更新的主题管理和更顺畅的小工具体验。 WordPress的联合创始人马特Mullenweg率领团队升级3.8版本,所有重要的功能都已按插件进行开发。
WordPress 3.8 主要特色:
Originally code-named MP6 when it was released to the WordPress Plugin Repository earlier this year, the new admin design includes redesigned vector-based icons, the default open source font Open Sans and a responsive design.
Version 3.8 introduces eight colorful admin skins – very Apple-esque. Color schemes can be updated in the Profile section of the backend.
The Themes area has been given a facelift with larger thumbnails, making it easier to quickly browse through your themes. When you click on a theme it displays a screenshot of the theme and the option to activate it.
The Widgets area now has a new click-to-add interface for adding widgets to widgetized areas of your theme. The drag-and-drop experience has also been improved.
新主题 Twenty Fourteen
It looks like Mullenweg achieved his goal of releasing a default WordPress theme that will be available for the full year that it’s named after. Described as a “striking” and “intrepid default theme”, Twenty Fourteen features a magazine-style design with a grid and a slider to display content on your homepage. You can customize your site using two page templates or three widget areas. WPMU DEV writer Chris Knowles recently reviewed Twenty Fourteen and wasn’t all that impressed with the theme’s design. Check out his post WordPress TwentyFourteen Theme: A Flawed Beauty . We’ll have more on our blog about customizing the Twenty Fourteen theme next week.
Eight widgets have been cut down to four. The WordPress News widget is a combination of the former WordPress Blog and Other WordPress News widgets.