MacBook Pro 安装 Windows 8.1 双语教程


  1. 用bootcamp来创建一个系统u盘
  2. 当bootcamp重新启动你的电脑的时候,你需要打断这个安装
  3. 2的具体方法就是,当你的电脑重新启动的时候,一听到开机的提示音,马上按住option键,进入选择启动磁盘界面
  4. 选择Macintosh HD,然后启动回到OSX系统里面
  5. 运行磁盘工具,选择Macintosh硬盘,然后进入分区选项
  6. 现在bootcamp分区应该在所有分区的最下面,点击从而选择这个分区。当你确保你选择了这个分区的时候,点击减号来删除他
  7. 点击应用(在右下角)来确认这个操作
  8. 现在点击加号来添加一个新的分区,这个新的分区会自动产生一个名字,类似于Macintosh HD2
  9. 选择这个新的分区,然后你就可以更改他的设置了
  10. 重新命名这个分区为BOOTCAMP
  11. 选择磁盘类型为ExFat
  12. 现在点击应用来确认更改
  13. 重新启动你的电脑,按住option,进入磁盘选择界面,这次选择带有usb图标的windows启动盘(就是你制作的那个u盘),这个图标是橙色的
  14. 现在windows的安装程序就会开始了,当界面进入一个显示各个分区的界面的时候,你应该看到4个分区。你需要把windows安装到最后一个上,但是你点击他会显示你不能安装在这个分区上
  15. 确定你现在选择的是第四个分区,然后点击格式化(format)。当格式化完成后,再选择第四个分区,这个时候不能安装的提示应该已经消失了,然后你可以继续你的安装。
  16. 在安装过程中有一个步骤是选择是否开启windows的自动更新,在这里强烈建议关闭自动更新,直到整个安装过程结束,也就是bootcamp的驱动都装好。等待一会儿之后,电脑会自动重启几次
  17. 每一次电脑重启,你都需要按住option来打断重启,进入磁盘选择界面,然后选择带有windows的标志的硬盘(注意不要进入带windows的u盘),他是一个银色的标志
  18. 经过两到三次重启,安装过程会结束。每一次你都需要按住option来选择进入带有windows的硬盘
  19. 整个安装结束后,(这个时候不用调整分辨率,安完驱动会自动调整好)进入windows下的bootcamp文件夹,安装驱动,之后整个安装结束


  1. Create USB stick using Apple Bootcamp Assistant. This procedure only works with it.
  2. When it Bootamp assitant reboots your machine you need to interrupt the installation.
  3. When you hear the startup sound, hold option until it presents you with login options.
  4. Select your Macintosh HD to boot back into OSX.
  5. Run Disk Utility, select the Macintosh then choose the partitions tab.
  6. The BOOTCAMP partition should be at the bottom. Select this partition by clicking on it. Ensure it is the highlighted partition then press minus to remove it.
  7. Click apply on the bottom right to make the changes.
  8. Now press plus to add a new partition which will likely be names Macintosh HD2
  9. Select this new partition then you can define the settings on the right.
  10. Rename this to BOOTCAMP.
  11. Change the type to ExFAT.
  12. Now click apply on the again to make the changes.
  13. Reboot you Mac, press option again during the boot and this time select theWindows device with the USB logo on it. Its orange.
  14. Now it will start the install process. When it gets to the list of partition you should see four of them. You want the last one. It will say it cannot install on this.
  15. Make sure the fourth partition is selected then click format. When it is done the error message should be gone and you should be able to continue.
  16. During install it will suggest turning on auto updates. I recommend you turn this off until the bootcamp drivers are installed. When it is finished prepping the install it will reboot.
  17. Each time it reboots you will need to intervene by pressing option but from now on select the Windows device with the picture of the hard drive. It is a silver color
  18. It will reboot two or three times during the install. Each time you will need pressoption during boot to reselect the Windows device on the hard drive.
  19. At the end of the installation it will prompt you to install the Apple Bootcamp Drivers.




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  1. 甜菜 2014.02.22 5:45下午
